【榮譽榜】賀!系友裴浩哲同學取得英國University of Southampton博士學位

發佈日期 : 2024-11-27

恭賀本系系友裴浩哲同學11/26通過英國University of Southampton 博士學位口試,順利取得博士學位。

裴浩哲(Hao-Che Pei)是一位專注於東亞貧困與城市韌性的人文地理學家。他的研究探討如何透過社區為基礎的實踐來緩解台北這座全球城市的遊民問題,其研究探索了在具華人特色的新自由主義背景下,行動者和機構如何運用社會創新來解決貧困議題,這些創新服務在新自由主義論述(如去機構化照護)和儒家思想下發展,以實現社會正義。他認為台灣的貧困處遇通常會結合環境議題,透過社會經濟方式(例如,資源垃圾回收和販售可重複使用餐具的群眾募資)來達成全球零排放的目標。未來,他嘗試在東亞研究上進行跨學科的研究,探討城市貧困與環境倡議在韌性方面的關聯性。

Hao-Che Pei is a human geographer working on poverty and urban resilience in East Asia. His urban study is about alleviating homelessness through community-based practices in the global city of Taipei. His research explores how actors and agencies apply social innovation to tackle poverty in contextual neoliberalism with Chinese characteristics, in which innovative services develop under neoliberal discourse (e.g., de-institutionalised care) and Confucianism (i.e., collective familial welfare responsibility) for social justice.

Local practices for poverty in Taiwan normally engage with environmental issues for global net zero emissions by social economy (e.g., scavengers for recycling and crowdfunding by selling reusable food ware). My future East Asian study could be interdisciplinary for exploring urban poverty and environmental advocacies in resilience.
