【全英課程】文化地理研究專題Key issues in cultural geographies

發佈日期 : 2023-10-04

授課老師:林潤華 & Adam Horálek

為增加本系碩士班亞太組教學的多元,並強化本系與國際學術單位與國際學者之間的交流合作,本系112學年度第一學期聘請捷克Adam Horálek助理教授,蒞系進行為期一學期的學術拜訪與教學。

Horálek教授目前任教於捷克帕爾杜比采大學社會與文化人類學系 (Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic)。他長期關注族群以及國族認同,其中發表多篇與全球各地華人認同的相關研究;其次,他也專注在老齡社會的研究議題上,以人類學的方式進行老齡化社會與老化的研究。在造訪本系的本學期中,Horálek教授將與林潤華教師共同進行本系碩士班全英課程「文化地理研究專題 (Key issues in cultural geographies)」的授課。本系竭誠歡迎Horálek老師的造訪,以下為Horálek老師的個人簡歷,敬請參考,並敬邀對於老齡社會或國族認同的師生,把握機會與Horálek教授互動交流。。

Email: adam.horalek@gms.ndhu.edu.tw

Dr. Horálek is associate professor of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic. He received his first PhD in ethnology at Charles University in Czech Republic in 2011, and got his second PhD in geography at the same university. He was the head of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Pardubice. During the years as the head of the department, he has established strong international links with many academic institutions, such as National Dong Hwa University and Soochow University in Taiwan. In recent years, Dr. Horálek’s research focuses on ethnicity and nationalism, anthropology of aging, Chinese ethnic minorities and Chinese overseas.
