【所學會公告】112學年第二學期 族群與本土文化的多重視野-臺灣X族文 碩士班聯合發表會

發佈日期 : 2024-04-17

112學年第二學期 族群與本土文化的多重視野-臺灣X族文 碩士班聯合發表會


1. 時間:民國113年05月29日(三)
2. 地點:國立東華大學原民院B123國際會議廳
3. 重要時程:

  • 2024年04月30日(二)12:00前:線上報名(含摘要)截止
  • 2024年05月15日(三)12:00前:全文初稿截止、指導教授同意書繳交截止
  • 2024年05月22日(三)12:00前:全文修改完畢,修改處請標紅字
  • 2024年05月29日(三)   發表日

4. 主辦單位:國立東華大學臺灣文化學系&國立東華大學族群關係與文化學系
5. 承辦單位:國立東華大學臺灣文化學系所學會&國立東華大學族群關係與文化學系


出席聆聽(上半場09:00-11:30): 請點此進入跨域自主學習領域系統報名上半場發表會

出席聆聽(下半場13:00-16:30): 請點此進入跨域自主學習領域系統報名下半場發表會

The Graduate Conference on Taiwan Culture and Regional Studies and Ethnic Relations and Cultures will be held on May 29th, 2024. The Conference focuses upon issues of Taiwan culture and regional Studies and Ethnic Relations. Papers related to themes of "Diverse Cultural Ideologies", "Religious Beliefs", "Industry and Regional Development", "Ethnic Relations", "Ethnic Cultures"and  "Indigenous Research" are all welcomed.

1.Event Date: May 29th (Wednesday) in 2024.
2.Venue:National Dong Hwa University , College of Indigenous Studies International conference hall B123
3.Key dates:

  • April 30th, 2024: Deadline for registration (with author information and abstracts). You will receive a confirmation letter once your registration form is completed.
  • May 15th, 2024: Deadline for submitting your presentation texts with an Advisor Approval Form. Any late submission will be rejected.
  • May 22th, 2024: Deadline for submitting the revised version of your presentation texts.
  • May 29th, 2024: Date of the Conference.

3. Organizer:Department of Taiwan and Regional Studies & Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures  , National Dong Hwa University.
4. Implemented by:Graduate student association of Department of Taiwan and Regional studies & Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures  , NDHU.
URL link: https://reurl.cc/lQdD7l
